Thursday, June 25, 2009

June 26 - Lower Body

Let me preface this post by saying that I am pretty upset about the workout today... I was lacking sleep, intensity, and a little motivation today. Need to find a way to get over these days.

Front Squat
175x6 (I need to figure out a comfortable way to do these...)

Back Squat

Natural Glute-Ham Raise

Chin Up

Reverse Curl

But yeah, need to do better with the legs. I did mention that I'm making a conscious effort to use the full range of motion on the squats, so that may be affecting my strength a bit. I will try to use this as motivation more than as an excuse in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty solid workout. I'm stuck doing mostly push-ups and sit-ups since my student membership at the gym ran out and i'm too poor to pay for a membership on my own right now. However, loading a bunch of big ass medical books in a backpack and wearing that while doing push-ups seems to work nicely.
