Friday, January 29, 2010

1/29 Not the best

26:45 warm-up because I got lost.
It's 20-something degrees out.
I tried to run in lane 7 as instructed.
I got a little lost again.

The workout was supposed to be 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 300, 200, 100, 50 with about 1:1 work:rest.

I'd say it was closer to 50, 100, 150, 290, 400, 290, 200, 100, 50. I think I got the rest right.

A sarcastic, "good thing I went to the track."

12:55 down.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

1/27- Uh, huh

3 x 15 push ups
3 x 5 chin ups
3 x 8 inverted row (let the struggling begin)
3x8 Shoulder press with 35 lb. dumbbells, mostly.

800 warm-up
5:41 mile
rest about 3 minutes+
5:39 mile
rest about 3 minutes+
5:40 mile
rest about 4 minutes
5:29 mile
nearly puke
800 down

Monday, January 25, 2010

1/25- A working lunch

Mobility work and then
3 x 8 split squat jumps
Box squat with 35-pound dumbells 4x4 (I really need to do this with a bar)
Reverse Lunge 3x8 per side
Pull through 3x8
Split stance cable lift, but the device had a hinge so I think I lost something on that
Plank 3 x 60 second



Jim benched 200 for the first time today!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

1/24- New plan

I have not been inactive since the last post, but I won't recreate my workouts here. There were fewer, but not none. Now, I've embarked on a new plan designed by Alan and set my goal at 29:30 for an 8k in March.

Today I began with mobility work and about 6 miles of running in 45 minutes.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

January 12 - Lower Body

It's been a little while since I've posted, so I'm going to try to get back into it. I've been trying to get in more cardio workouts in the week to try and cut some weight off, so you'll start to see more "finishers" and cardio days (this will most likely get back up to full speed after we get back from our skiing trip this weekend!).

Box Squat

Speed Deadlift

Reverse Lunge

Reverse Crunch

Superset w/Plank
3x30sec (2 w/20lbs vest and 20 hip touches)

10 sets of 20:25sec work:rest

Friday, January 8, 2010

1/4, 1/6, 1/8- Why can't I motivate?

Lower body

Upper body
Speed bench press 10x3- 65 lbs, 75 lbs
Close-grip bench press 4 sets of 5, 95- 105 lbs
Superset 2 sets of inverted row and 2 sets 10 of scapular push-ups
3 minutes in heaven?! (20 seconds bike, 10 seconds rest, 20 seconds burpee, 10 seconds rest)

Ropes with JM and AJ, 20 second sets rotating for about 20 minutes or so.
3 minutes in heaven?!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

1/2, 1/3 Let's get it started?

1/2- Winter workout, left buttocks is rather sore

1/3- run in the freezing cold probably 4 miles