Saturday, February 12, 2011

Me too... the poor record-keeping that is...

2/11 - Ultimate
2/9 - Chins
Bench (first time in like a year...)
Pull Aparts w/band
Roll Outs

2/7 - Some other workout I forgot and vball

2/2- 2/12 The poor record-keeping continues

2/2- ?
2/3 Ultimate practice
2/4- gym time
2/5- 20 minute pilates workout
2/6- run
2/7- Ultimate practice
2/8- Ultimate practice
2/9- ?
2/10- some number of pull-ups, push-ups, and dumb bell squats
2/11- 38 minute run, 3 sets of 15 raised leg push-ups

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1/26-2/1: Something's happening here

I'm not sure I remember all I've done lately...

1/26- modified winter workout, about 30 minutes worth (kind of weak)
1/27- Ultimate practice
1/28- rest day
1/29- 50 minute run with a 14 minute 2-mile surge
1/30- ?
1/31- Ultimate practice
2/1- 9 close grip pull-ups, 12x(2x40) lb db press (7, same, 5, same), 3 x(40 lb db swings and 40 lb db skullcrushers), 3 x(10 x 50 lb goblet squats and 8 nordic leg curls)
5 x (20 seconds treadmill push, 10 seconds rest)